Torti Gallas pursued a design process that looked at the design holistically, yet also examined the details of the design through enlarged bay sketches.
The streetscape of the project is designed to promote a pedestrian friendly and walkable environment for the building tenants and surrounding Arlington community. This was accomplished by providing retail space along the street level lining Wilson Boulevard and residential/commercial flex units along Clarendon Boulevard. The architecture of the building also places a focus on human scale design details at the street to create a sense of place and character.
The street facade is envisioned as flexible in its appearance, dependent on the use behind. The commercial frontage incorporates projecting signage along with attractive lighting to draw in potential patrons from the street. This commercial appearance is contrasted with the more private residential frontage that creates a threshold between the street and living space through a personal planting space and solid residential door.
Ultimately the project was designed to re-inforce the urban character of the surrounding context. This resulted in brick masonry architecture tailored to the site, along with its topography and other unique conditions previously mentioned. Torti Gallas pursued a design process that looked at the design holistically, yet also examined the details of the design through enlarged bay sketches.
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