Church Hill North Neighborhood Revitalization

Richmond, Virginia

A vibrant new neighborhood that serves a mix of income ranges from very low income to market rate, including both rental and homeownership and senior living opportunities.

Building Information Modeling
Community / Stakeholder Meetings
Condition Assessment Survey
Construction Phase Services
Master Planning
Project Data
Apartment buildings, townhouses, parks and infrastructure, neighborhood services and amenities
300 units and 1.5 acres of parks
48 unit senior building
mixed-income, mixed-finance, mixed-use
urban revitalization
city land disposition
demolition of existing HUD/PHA property
No items found.
Project Description

The transformation of the East End of Richmond, Virginia is sparked by the revitalization of Creighton Court, a 500+ unit public housing project at Nine Mile Road and Interstate 64. By utilizing a derelict, City-controlled, 20-acre site across the street from Creighton Court to initiate the first phases of the revitalization, displacement and multiple relocations are minimized at Creighton proper. 

Approximately 300 homes in a mix of bungalow, duplex, townhouse, stacked flats and elevator served apartments provide a range of housing types on the transformed site that both honors the site’s history and sets the stage for continued neighborhood growth and prosperity. Formal and informal parks, a small Neighborhood Center, regular blocks, and pleasant, walkable streets provide the framework for a vibrant new neighborhood that serves a mix of income ranges from very low income to market rate, including both rental and homeownership and senior living opportunities.

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