Round Rock Downtown Master Plan

Round Rock, TX
"A new Town Green with an activated historic core brings Round Rock back as a place to be, instead of a place to pass through."

The Torti Gallas Master Plan for Downtown Round Rock envisions how the City can become a thriving area drawing locals and visitors to shop, eat, work, visit, recreate, people-watch, and stroll in the historic downtown.  The Plan incorporated community input, city goals, and planning expertise into a series of unified physical design concepts, social and community-oriented form-based strategies, and implementation systems.  

A series of busy streets used as pass-throughs for motorists from the Interstate were re-configured with on-street parking, widened sidewalks, crosswalks, landscaping, and the re-routing of traffic around a Town Square.  Historical architecture and building orientation were respected with a series of design guidelines that emphasize human-scale urban design and walkability.

The Master Plan includes policy recommendations for incentivizing preferred development such as adaptive reuse, creative industries, and mixed-use.  Parking policy recommendations included a "Park-Once" and shared garage strategy, a pay-for-parking system on key streets in downtown, reformed zoning parking requirements, and a parking management district. Vacant lots and historic preservation were addressed through incentives and guidelines. The final Master Plan introduced progressive quality of life indicators to base development success on pedestrian-friendliness, walkability, and transit-access.

Project Web Site
project data

800 residential units and 100 hotel rooms
480,000 sf commercial and office
135,000 sf civic/cultural 
350,000 sf retail

Code Analysis
Conceptual Architectural Design
Conceptual Design
Condition Assessment Survey
Consensus Building Process
Feasibility / Yield Analysis
Master Planning
Town Information Modeling
Design Guidelines
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